E-shop price

E-poe hind sõltub suuresti selle arenduse projektist, iga projekt on individuaalne ja e-poe tegemise hind kujuneb peamiselt kliendi vajadustest. Mida keerukama tehnilise lahenduse ja unikaalsema disainiga e-poodi vaja on seda suurem tuleb ka kodulehe tegemise hind. All olev e-poe hinnapäringu vorm annab võimaluse Teil täpsustada endale vajalik lahendus. Täida väljad ja lisainformatsioon ning saada see meile. Võtame teiega esimesel võimalusel ühe tööpäeva jooksul ühendust.

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Does the company have an existing e-shop or website?
In order to create a corporate website that will bring in sales leads and new turnover, you need to analyse the structure of the old website, the total user experience, visit statistics, etc. In order to assess which design elements and functionalities work on the old website and which could be improved.
Is it necessary to import data from an old e-shop?
How many products will be available online?
The more products or services you offer, and the more pages you have on your website, the more work you need to do in planning, designing and developing it. A more sophisticated site structure, large menus and category trees, search functionality, etc. may be necessary.
Does an e-shop need branding?
A company's visual identity makes the brand more memorable, increases trust and improves the customer experience.
What kind of design solution does your e-shop need?
A tailored solution will be developed keeping in mind the client's target groups and business specifics. It is more effective and better targeted for sales and marketing than a website built on a ready-made base. But developing a ready-made website is much cheaper and faster than developing a bespoke solution.
Do you need to create content for your e-shop (content texts, photos, videos)?
Good and unique content helps keep users on your website longer and increases their interactivity with your website and social media. Both brand trust and sales are increased.
How many languages should the e-shop have?
Adding more than one language requires the addition of translation functionality to the website. In addition, it should be kept in mind that adding each language also requires more keyword analysis in each language to create a search engine optimised website.
Is it necessary to accept payments in an online shop?
Kas e-poes on vajat arnelahenduste integreerimist?
Does the e-shop need to interface with business software?
Does the e-shop require user registration?
Do I need to use gift cards in my e-shop?
Does an online shop need a customer loyalty programme?
Is it necessary to offer wishlist functionality in the e-shop?
Does an e-shop need a blog?
Kas e-poes on vajab e-mail turundust?
Does your e-shop need analytics tools?
If you want to use GA analytics and other marketing tools for data analysis to track the KPIs that matter to your business.
Does your e-shop need social media integration?
Social media integration allows the website to be used for social media marketing, to offer users the possibility to share the content of the page and to use social media chat features.
Does your e-shop need to be optimised for search engines?
A planned structure and keywords that match search engine queries will help the user to navigate your website better.
Does your e-shop need speed optimisation?
Speed optimisation reduces website loading speed and improves the overall user experience.

NB! Esmasel hinnapakkumisel on arvestatud arenduse hind tüüp projekti kalkulatsiooni järgi ning selles on arvestatud miinimum nõuetega. Reaalne projekti maksumus selgub peale täpsemate projekti nõuetega tutvumist kliendikohtumisel ja peale lõppliku hinnapakkumise koostamist! Hinnapakkumise saamiseks täitke vormi alumises osas olevad väljad. Võtame teiega ühendust ühe tööpäeva jooksul.
